Eagle Point - Bring a truck
Mosley TA-33-M 3 element 10-15-20 Meter yagi, in almost new condition, aluminum show no corrosion.
$350.00 (new price is $819)
Hy-Gain Ham-IV rotor and control box. Looks like new, only up for a short time, looks like it just came out of the box.
$350.oo (new price $800).
33 foot of tower, 25 foot Tri-Ex aluminum tower, exact same dimensions as Rohn-25, 8 foot top section is steel, Rohn-25, with thrust bearing and rotor shelf
and guy anchor frame. $150.00.
Bring your pick up. All equipment located in Eagle point
For info, call 541-261-5215 or e-mail EaglePoint.Or@Juno.com
Mike W6FFC