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Band Plan – Frequency allocation and

Technician class frequency privileges in ham radio

When you’re getting started, remembering where you’re allowed to operate is important. As a Technician licensee, you have full access to all amateur frequencies above 50 MHz, but what about on the shortwave high-frequency (HF) bands? This chart helps you follow the rules.  You can transmit with up to 200 watts PEP A band-by-band plan showing where to find different types of activity is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

BandFrequencies (In MHz)Modes You Can Use (200 watts PEP maximum power)
80 meters3.525 – 3.600CW
40 meters7.025 – 7.125CW
15 meters21.025 – 21.200CW
10 meters 28.000 – 28.300CW and RTTY/data
28.300 – 28.500CW and phone
Above 50 MHzAll amateur privileges

CW = Morse code; PEP = peak envelope power; RTTY = radioteletype.

General class frequency privileges in ham radio

Soon, if you haven’t done so already, you’ll be thinking about upgrading. You have many more frequencies to use on the high-frequency (HF) bands, as shown in the following table. A complete chart of the U.S. frequency and mode privileges for all license classes is available from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).

BandFrequencies (in MHz)Mode
160, 60, 30 metersAll amateur privileges
80 meters3.525–3.600CW, RTTY, data
3.800–4.000CW, phone, image
40 meters7.025–7.125CW, RTTY, data
7.175–7.300CW, phone, image
20 meters14.025–14.150CW, RTTY, data
14.225–14.350CW, phone, image
15 meters21.025–21.200CW, RTTY, data
21.275–21.450CW, phone, image
17, 12, 10 metersAll amateur privileges
Above 50 MHzAll amateur privileges

CW = Morse code; RTTY = radioteletype.

Here is a handy little file I found, Wallet Band Plan Card- created by K4ICY